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What to Prepare for Travel or a Trip

17 Dec

In a few days, are you going for a vacation overseas? Besides being so excited, you’re trying not to let anything out of hand. So, here are what to prepare for travel or a trip:

  1. Print all necessary documents
    * Flight tickets
    * Hotel vouchers
    * Train tickets (if any)
    * Confirmed tour itinerary
    * Performa invoice & payment receipt
    * Copy ID, passport, along with your emergency contact
    * Embassy contact (address, phone, website, email)
  2. Research
    Do some research about everything necessary. These are the information you will want to print out:
    * Recommended money changer (contact and rates)
    * Baggage services (just in case you need to leave your baggage at the airport to leave the airport for 12 hours)
    * Shuttle bus schedule, MRT map
    * Recommended food or things to do. This is important if your time is limited so you cannot explore too long. It will be wasting of time.
    * If some entrance fee is excluded from the tour, you might need to find out how much is the fee.
    Please note: These printouts are important as you cannot always rely on your smart phone. Once the battery dies, you cannot be died too. Be prepared for the worst.
  3. Calculate carefully
    If you’ll be stopping by 2 countries, and you need to change to local currency to pay something in those countries, you should be very careful to plan about where, when, and how you change the money. Count the rates not more than 7 days before you’re leaving to make sure the rates is close enough. After knowing how much money you should bring, just spare a little money. If anything goes wrong, you can always stop by the ATM. It is safer than bringing too much cash that you’d probably not use.
  4. Set a vacation responder
    Go on vacation, bring your free minds and spirits, but leave your work and laptop at home. Set a vacation responder on your email and tell them you will reply on specific dates after you come back. 
  5. Check the weather
    Unless you are going to the countries which have the same weather all year around, you don’t want to bring bikini to the snowy season or a fur-jacket to the sunny climate. Make sure you check to more than 2 trusted sources about the weather (temperature, climate, winds, snow, etc.)
  6. Check-in baggage
    You can do ‘googling’ about how to pack smart. But what I’m saying here is that, pay attention to your check-in baggage. You might have bought the tickets months or a year ago. Save yourself on baggage extra charges by bringing the right amount of luggage according to what your tickets say.
  7. Last check
    Do the last check and make sure you bring:
    * Necessary clothes
    * Medicine
    * Original passport, flight tickets, etc.
    * Emergency food (chocolate is the best)
    * Insurance card
    * Debit / credit card
    * Charged camera, mobile phone, with chargers (adaptor kit if necessary)
    * Let your family & neighbors know you’re going and when you’re expected to come back, give them your emergency contact

Hope all is set, and hopefully by knowing these what to prepare for travel or a trip, you all can go safely and have fun. However, something might just happen on the road, like no such a low rate money changer, the tour is not showing up, etc. Be calm, take a breath 10 times, just enjoy the moment, and there must be a way out. 🙂


Obat-obatan yang Wajib Dibawa saat Traveling

8 Jul

Saat traveling, kita tidak tahu apa yang akan terjadi, termasuk dari segi kesehatan. Karena itu, agar trip kita tidak terhambat, berikut obat-obatan yang wajib dibawa saat traveling:

1. Obat masuk angin
Ini salah satu obat paling penting. Sakit apapun di perjalanan, rata-rata bisa akan disembuhkan oleh obat ini. Kalo boleh sebut merk, “Tolak Angin” dan “Antangin” termasuk jagoannya, baik yang tablet maupun cair. Obat ini bisa dikonsumsi saat kita merasa mulai capek, pegel, masuk angin, sedikit pusing, mual, sakit perut, dll.

2. Obat flu dan demam
Gejala berikutnya ketika obat masuk angin tidak mampu lagi mengobati adalah pilek dan sedikit demam. Jangan panik dan cemas, karena dalam obat-obatan yang wajib dibawa saat traveling termasuk obat flu dan demam yang mudah didapatkan karena dijual bebas. Minum obat setelah makan malam dan tidur cepat adalah solusi yang paling tepat. Niscaya, pagi harinya, Anda akan merasa jauh lebih sehat. Berbagai merk tersedia di pasaran: Decolgen, Decolsin, Sanaflu, Bodrex, dan lainnya.

3. Obat mencret
Selama traveling, apalagi backpacking, kita mungkin akan banyak mengkonsumsi makanan murah dan kaki lima. Beberapa makanan tersebut mungkin tidak cocok dengan perut kita, sehingga akan menimbulkan sakit perut berlebih hingga mencret-mencret. Obat-obatan yang wajib dibawa saat traveling di antaranya New Diatabs, Norit, atau lainnya.

4. Obat luka luar
Selain obat minum, kita juga perlu membawa obat luar. Salah satu obat luar untuk mengobati luka yang praktis adalah Betadine stick. Kita tidak perlu membawa-bawa obat botolan dan kapas terpisah, karena semuanya sudah tersedia dalam satu bungkus yang berisi sepuluh stick berbentuk cotton bud yang dapat sudah menampung sedikit takaran obat betadine di setiap stick-nya. Bila dirasa perlu, mungkin obat ini perlu dilengkapi dengan hansaplast.

5. Vitamin C
Memang, ini sebenarnya bukan termasuk obat, melainkan suplemen. Namun karena tidak kalah pentingnya, tidak ada salahnya dia masuk ke dalam list obat-obatan yang wajib dibawa saat traveling. Obat ini sekarang sudah banyak dijual dalam bentuk tablet yang lebih praktis.

Itulah 5 obat-obatan yang wajib dibawa saat traveling. Obat-obatan di atas tadi relatif mudah didapat dan dijual hampir di semua toko obat, toko swalayan, warung, supermarket maupun minimart. Selain itu, semua penyakit dapat lebih mudah sembuh dengan satu obat alami: air putih. Konsumsilah air putih sebanyak mungkin untuk mengurangi sakit saat trip, murah dan mujarab.

Bila dalam 2-3 hari Anda belum sembuh juga setelah mengkonsumsi obat-obatan tersebut yang disertai dengan istirahat yang cukup, mungkin ada baiknya Anda menemui dokter umum di kota setempat.

Selamat traveling dan stay fit ya 🙂